Monday, May 13, 2024

Categorii la Campionatul European de Culturism și Fitness - IFBB, unde nu apar sportivi români.

La   IFBB European Bodybuilding Championships, care s-a desfășurat în intervalul 1 - 6 mai 2024 la santa Susanna, Spania, țara noastră nu a participat cu sportivi la următoarele categorii:

  • men's games classic bodybuilding over 175 cm
  • men's classic bodybuilding up to 171 cm
  • men's classic bodybuilding up to 180 cm
  • men's classic bodybuilding over 180 cm
  • men's physique up to 179 cm
  • muscular men's physique up to 179 cm
  • muscular men's physique over 179 cm
  • muscular men's physique overall
  • men's classic physique up to 171 cm
  • men's classic physique up to 180 cm
  • men's classic physique over 180 cm
  • men's bodybuilding up to 85 kg
  • men's bodybuilding up to 95 kg
  • men's bodybuilding over 95 kg
  • women's acrobatic fitness over 163 cm
  • women's acrobatic fitness overall
  • women's artistic fitness up to 163 cm
  • women's artistic fitness over 163 cm
  • women's artistic fitness overall
  • women's bikini up to 162 cm
  • women's bikini up to 164 cm
  • women's bikini up to 169 cm
  • women's bikini up to 172 cm
  • women's bikini over 172 cm
  • women's fit- model up to 164 cm
  • women's fit- model up to 172 cm
  • women's fit- model over 172 cm
  • women's fit- model overall
  • women's bodyfitness up to 163 cm
  • women's bodyfitness up to 168 cm
  • women's bodyfitness overall
  • women's physique up to 163 cm
  • women's physique over 163 cm
  • women's physique overall
  • women's wellness up to 158 cm
  • women's wellness up to 163 cm
  • women's wellness up to 168 cm
  • women's wellness over 168 cm
  • women's wellness overall
  • junior men's games classic bodybuilding overall
  • junior women's artistic fitness 16-23 years, open
  • junior men's fitness 16-23 years, open
  • junior men's classic bodybuilding overall
  • junior men's physique 21-23 years, over 174 cm
  • junior men's physique overall
  • junior women's bikini 21-23 years, up to 166 cm
  • junior women's bikini 21-23 years, over 166 cm
  • junior women's bodyfitness 21-23 years, open
  • junior women's bodyfitness overall
  • junior men's bodybuilding overall
  • junior women's wellness overall
  • master men's games classic bodybuilding 40-44 years, open
  • master men's games classic bodybuilding 45 years & over, open
  • master men's physique 40-44 years, open
  • master men's physique 45-49 years, open
  • master men's classic bodybuilding 45-49 years, open
  • master men's classic bodybuilding overall
  • master men's bodybuilding 40-44 years, over 90 kg
  • master men's bodybuilding 45-49 years, over 90 kg
  • master men's bodybuilding 50-54 years, over 80 kg
  • master men's bodybuilding 60-64 year open
  • master women's bikini 35-39 years, up to 164 cm
  • master women's bikini 35-39 years, over 164 cm
  • master women's bikini 45-49 years open
  • master women's bikini 50 years & over, open
  • master women's bodyfitness 35-39 years, open
  • master women's bodyfitness 40-44 years, open
  • master women's bodyfitness 45-49 years, open
  • master women's bodyfitness 50 years & over, open
  • master women's bodyfitness overall
  • master men's classic physique 45-49 years, open
  • master men's classic physique 50 years & over open
  • master men's classic physique overall
  • master women's physique 35 years & over, open
  • master women's wellness 35-39 years, open
  • master women's wellness 40-44 years, open
  • master women's wellness 45-49 years, open
  • master women's wellness 50 years & over, open
  • master women's wellness overall.
Se observă că 46 dintre categorii se referă la categoriile destinate persoanelor de sex feminin și 34 se adresează persoanelor de sex masculin, ceea ce înseamnă că o atenție specială trebuie acordată stimulării participării doamnelor și domnișoarelor la aceste competiții, mai întâi la nivel național și mai apoi la nivel european. În cazul competițiilor pentru bărbați, trebuie văzute care sunt caracteristicile fizice ale concurenților unde nu sunt sportivi din țara noastgră, pentru ca în viitor să crească baza de selecție pentru respectivele categorii de greutate, vârstă și înălțime.

(13 mai 2024)

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